Spring Advisor organised a change management seminar

Vera Waltari

Spring Advisor organised a seminar on change management at Hotel Kämp on June 5, 2024, which brought together industry professionals to discuss and learn in an inspiring environment. The great setting of the event created excellent conditions for a rewarding morning, which included not only an interesting program but also the opportunity to network and enjoy breakfast together.

The program included Koskisen’s successful change story, offering concrete examples of change management practices and challenges. In addition, we presented recent findings from our research, which shed light on the challenges and success factors of change management in Finnish companies in various industries. In the panel discussion, experienced experts deepened the understanding of change management and shared valuable insights and practical tips.

The feedback received from the participants was very positive and many hoped for more similar events. The seminar emphasised how important it is to stay up to date with the evolving practices of change management and learn from other professionals in the field. When you focus on doing things alone, you can easily miss out on valuable insights and best practices that other organisations have in place. These types of events offer an excellent opportunity to compare experiences and develop your own processes based on other’s success stories. 

Based on the feedback we receive, we will continue to organise events for our customers focused on current change management themes, where professionals can also share their experiences and learn from each other.

See the recording of the event at the following link (in Finnish): https://youtu.be/iE1xTx_pRnE 

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