The regional economic impact assessment of wind power for the Council of Oulu region

Background Northern Ostrobothnia is the leading wind power production region in Finland with approx. 40% share of the national wind power capacity. The aforementioned unique conditions of the region create an excellent foundation for the development of renewable energy sources and the promotion of the green transition. However, Northern Ostrobothnia’s regional economic and employment impacts […]

Straightforward M&A process

Background Finnish industrial insulation and scaffolding group, Saimaa Group, has grown strongly in recent years in accordance with its strategy. The group has identified acquisitions as an effective way to grow in a previously highly fragmented market. Project Saimaa Group acquired the Pept Oy Ab -group, which operates e.g., in Ostrobothnia, Kainuu and Sweden. The […]

A comprehensive strategy update with collaboration

Background An IT growth company’s business had historically developed as expected, and it was now time to take the next step band go through an overall strategy update. The goal was to further incorporate changing industry trends and customer expectations in the company strategy. The new plan also sought to answer the following questions: how […]

Understanding the operating environment as a driving force for business growth

Background An energy company contemplated expanding its role in the value chain of energy services – to generate added value through new services and improving business profitability through new growth areas. The company’s challenge was to capitalize on the current market and its changes. Because of the constantly expanding and evolving nature of the energy […]

Reduction of net working capital for a Finnish industrial company

Background During its growth, the industrial company, which expanded rapidly abroad, had not harmonized its operational practices. As the standard line was not followed locally in the storage of products, the customer’s capital was committed to an uncontrollably growing product inventory. The customer wanted to quickly release the capital tied up in the warehouse to […]

Market analysis of unsubsidised wind power

Our customer wanted to enter the wind power PPA-market, which did not exist in Finland Significant state support schemes had long subsidized wind power construction, but as wind power production costs fell significantly, it was ruled to discontinue profitable support schemes for builders. According to our customer’s information, a PPA supply had already been formed […]